Memeriksa Tanggal Pembuatan iPhone

- Juli 20, 2011
To check iPhone manufacturing date you just need to know the serial number of iPhone. Lets see how to check iphone serial number first and then how the serial numbers tells you the manufacturing date of iPhone. Using this guide you can find manufacture date of iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS.

How to check iPhone Manufacture date: (iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS)


Tap on “Settings” icon > General > About.
Here you will find serial number of you iPhone as show below in screenshots.
iPhone home screeniPhone settings
iPhone general menuAbout iPhone


You just need 3rd, 4th and 5th digits of iPhone serial number to know the manufacture date of iPhone. So in the iPhone screenshot the 3rd digit is ’8′ shows manufacturing year ’2008′ and the 4th-5th digits ’46′ shows the manufacturing week, 46th week. So the iPhone manufacture date is 46th week of year 2008.
Another example: If the serial number is xx736xxxxxx then manufacture year is 2007 and 36th week.

check iPhone manufacture date

I just got a replacement iPhone 4 for the iLemon that I’ve been blogging about here lately and, so far anyway, the Bluetooth problem seems to have disappeared.
I haven’t had a chance to test it exhaustively yet (it’s only been a few hours), but I was intrigued by this blog post at iFixIt about how Apple may be applying a non-conductive coating to the metal frame on the second-batch of iPhone 4s to help mitigate the antenna issue.

The interesting part is that iFixIt details how to decode the iPhone’s serial number:
aa = Factory and Machine ID
b = Year
cc = Production Week
ddd = Unique Identifier
ee = Color (A4=black)
f = size (S=16GB, T=32GB)
The serial number on the unit tells you the manufacture date; our original phone was manufactured in mid-June (week 25). The replacement unit we got was made in early-July (week 27), apparently too soon for a manufacturing change.The serial number also identifies which factory it was made in. (We don’t have a mapping of numbers to physical factories, but we can tell if two phones came from the same plant.)
My serial numbers:
85025xxxA4T (original 32GB iPhone 4- June 24)
86027xxxA4T (replacement - July 15)
My replacement iPhone 4 is a week 27 unit, fabbed a scant two-weeks into the production process and too soon for a manufacturing change.
If you’ve had your i4 replaced, post your serial number (minus the unique bit) in the TalkBack below.
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